Wednesday, 13 June 2012

Why blog?

Why blog?

Blog, as a verb. The 'action' word.

It is of a human's nature to want to express their feelings and thoughts. And out of all the other communication method, here's the reason I chose blog:

There are many choices. Facebook, Twitter (a micro-blogging site, technically), Reddit, Youtube, Blogger, WordPress, and all the web services there to provide you with a way to express yourself and broadcast your thoughts to the whole world (hence, the Youtube's motto, 'Broadcast Yourself').

Why do you need to express yourself? It's just the human nature! A human being cannot live by him/herself and we know we all have the tendency to talk to our friends whenever possible and we do quite enjoy it. In fact, we can't live without others! But sometimes just friends and family doesn't cut it, due to some restrictions, which might include the fact that there are only a few people, they might not share your opinions, they might be stubborn, or you just want even more people to communicate with / broadcast to! That's why we're here in the internet. Welcome to the 21st century (that line is 12 years old now).

So we cleared off why we need some sort of a service that lets us talk to the whole world of the internet. Now it comes down to which service you should choose. Before you get into anything, let me tell you: all those services have different purposes, 'feelings', and 'audiences'.

Facebook is for your actual social life. Where you can chit chat with your friend, send wedding photos to your mom, dad and your friends. Basically, it just stays within your friends (normally).

Twitter, like I mentioned before, is a micro-blogging service that allows you to write what you want in less than 140 words. But in reality, Twitter is just an 'announcement platform', you know? Where your person of interest 'announces' something that you might not want to miss. It has a more 'official' feeling than Facebook.

Reddit is actually the Jack out of all these services. This website is sort of a 'popularity contest' website, so to say. There's no real way I can explain this, but the website allows you to post link, picture, funny or awesome status, etc that might get attention of other people and get 'up voted' by people. It's all about popularity in Reddit. Some place you might not want to go if you're just looking for friendly place where you can broadcast yourself.

Youtube, 'Broadcast Yourself', is a video streaming platform that allows you to upload a video and watch other videos. This is a very, very, versatile web service. There are just so many ways people use this website. Blogging, blogging (video blogging), gameplays, announcements, humour videos, funny & cute videos, activism videos, ideas, and all those other things are possible on Youtube. In the form of video. There is no general audience or feeling about this website. It becomes whatever you would like it to be, because there are just so many contents and people who create contents out there in Youtube, that you would see only what you want to see in Youtube. That's the case even if you are creating videos. You see videos, interact with viewers / content creators of your interest only. Be aware though, as there are many 'trolls' and mean people who sit behind monitors and attack others. Also, join this website if you are able to manage all your thoughts and blogs in the form of videos.

And there's WordPress. Simply put, this website IS your personal blog, but it doesn't have the feelings of it. Quite often it doesn't work, and while it is designed for simplicity, it is quite not so if you're trying to surpass the 'basic' layout and customize or make the blog more friendly. Yes, this website has no friendliness, at least in my opinion. This is mediocre in my opinion compared to others. Why use it? is the first question you'd ask.

Last but not least, there's Blogger, the 'traditional' blog site. Keep in mind that other form of blogs are also included in explaining my thoughts on Blogger. Blogger is basically like any other blogging sites (and you can even create your OWN blog! For a cost though). But Blogger is managed by Google. This comes with a few good extras: NO fee to host & serve the blog, NO ads (unless you become popular and want to monetize your blog), very good customization (you have direct access to HTML code of every post you create. That's a lot of freedom), and nice, easy, and clean interface to use and learn! If you haven't already, check out my other two posts on my opinions on Blogger: here and here. It's good to check those out if you're new to blogging (or the internet)! Also, Blogger comes with free, pre-installed analytic tool provided by Google, the Google Analytics. It gives you pretty much ALL the information you need. How neat is that? Other blogs (that you create yourself and pay for it) may have all or some of these features depending on what you want, but Blogger is the most friendly, easy, and best to use for your personal (and not so personal) blogs, for the purpose of broadcasting your ideas, thoughts, and so on.

If this helped on deciding what blogging service to use, then please subscribe to my blog!

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